Carboniferous north of the Brabant Massif in the area of Heibaart, Turnhout and Meer; seismics and boreholes - Exploration for coal in the Belgian Campine Publicatie
Vandenberghe, Noël.
Carboniferous north of the Brabant Massif in the area of Heibaart, Turnhout and Meer; seismics and boreholes - Exploration for coal in the Belgian Campine Publicatie - 20e Congrès Géologique International - Commission de Stratigraphie, Mexico, 1956 .
--Conferences - Meetings
Carboniferous north of the Brabant Massif in the area of Heibaart, Turnhout and Meer; seismics and boreholes - Exploration for coal in the Belgian Campine Publicatie - 20e Congrès Géologique International - Commission de Stratigraphie, Mexico, 1956 .
--Conferences - Meetings