Picturing place photography and the geographical imagination.

Picturing place photography and the geographical imagination. - XIV, 354 p. ill.

Emperors of the gaze: photographic practices and productions of space in Egypt, 1839-1914 Gregory, Derek p. 195-225 La Mission Héliographique: Architectural photography, collective memory and the patrimony of France, 1851 Boyer, Christine p. 21-54 Mapping a sacred geography: photographic surveys by the Royal Engineers in the Holy Land, 1864-68 Howe, Kathleen Stewart p. 226-242 Retracing the outlines of Rome: intertextuality and imaginative geographies in Nineteenth-Century photographs Pelizzari, Maria Antonella p. 55-73 Wunderkammer to world wide web: picturing place in the post-photographic era Mitchell, William J. p.283-304

1-86064-752-9 paperback 978-1-86064-752-9 paperback

Human ecology
Human geography
Landscape photography--History
Landscape photography--Social aspects
72.025--Architectuur: schade; verval; conservatie; restauratie; verandering van gebruik
910.4--Ontdekkingsreizen. Reizen. Expedities. Reisverhalen