The initiation, propagation, and arrest of joints and other fractures.

The initiation, propagation, and arrest of joints and other fractures. - VI, 330 p. ill. - Geological Society Special Publication 231 .

Bibliogr., index

Opening histories of fractures in sandstone / Growth of ductile opening-mode fractures in geomaterials / Age and depth evidence for pre-exhumation joints in granite plutons / Feedback between joint-zone development and downward erosion of regularly spaced canyons in the Navajo sandstone, Zion National Park, Utah / Predicting fracture swarms, the influence of subcritical crack growth and the cracktip process zone on joint spacing in rock / Fracture-pattern variations around a major fold and their implications regarding fracture prediction using limited data / M. Belayneh & J.W. Cosgrove -- Index of hackle raggedness on joint fringes / Arrest and aperture variation of hydrofractures in layered reservoirs / Preferential jointing of Upper Devonian black shale, Appalachian Plateau, USA / Using differential geometry to characterize and analyse the morphology of plants / Relationship of tilt and twist of fringe cracks in granite plutons / Differences between veins and joints using the example of the Jurassic limestones of Somerset / Fracture development within a straovolcano / Palaeostress orientation inferred from surface morphology of joints on the souern margin of the Bristol Channel Basin, UK / Eight distinct fault-joint geometric/genetic relationships in the Beer Sheva syncline, Israel / Probabilistic-mechanistic simulation of bed-normal joint patterns / W. Hoffman, W.M. Dunne -- Orientation distribution of single joint sets / Stress-controlled localization of deformation and fluid flow in fractured rocks / Indentation pits / S.E. Laubach ... [et al.] -- P. Eichhubl -- P. Bankwitz ... [et al.] -- C.M. Rogers & T. Engelder -- J. E. Olson -- D. Bahat, P. Bankwitz & E. Bankwitz -- S.L. Brenner & A. Gudmundsson -- G. Lash, S. Loewy and T. Engelder -- D. D. Pollard, S. Bergbauer & I. Mynatt -- P. Bankwitz, E. Bankwitz -- D.C.P. Peacock -- M. Nemčok ... [et al.] 2-- M. Belayner -- D. Bahat -- T. Engelder & J. Delter -- D. J. Sanderson & X. Jhang -- T Engelder, K. Schulmann & O. Lexa.


Faults (Geology)
Joints (Geology)

--Monographic series