The 1:5 million international geological map of Europe and adjacent areas IGME 5000
The 1:5 million international geological map of Europe and adjacent areas IGME 5000
One to five million international geological map of Europe and adjacent areas IGME 5000
- Special edition reduced do scale 1 : 10 000 000
, Scale 1:10,000,000 ; Lambert conformal conic proj., standard parallels 60 and 30 N.L., central meridian 20 E. (W 71--E 99/N 81--N 21).
- Map
Relief and depths shown by contours. Also covers Mediterranean Sea region and adjacent portions of the North Atlantic Ocean. At head of title: CCGM-CGMW Commission of the Geological Map of the World, Subcommission for Europe. Printed in western/eastern segments. Includes text and source-materials notes.
Geology--Mediterranean Region--Maps.
Geology--North Atlantic Ocean--Maps.
Relief and depths shown by contours. Also covers Mediterranean Sea region and adjacent portions of the North Atlantic Ocean. At head of title: CCGM-CGMW Commission of the Geological Map of the World, Subcommission for Europe. Printed in western/eastern segments. Includes text and source-materials notes.
Geology--Mediterranean Region--Maps.
Geology--North Atlantic Ocean--Maps.