Study abroad in Africa overview of study abroad in Africa. - 144 p. - African issues 28, 1-2 .

I. Executive director's foreword Loree Jones II. Editor's introduction Christine Djondo Beverly Hawk III. Study abroad in Africa : a survey Mark Pires Oumatie Marajh John Metzer IV. Strengthening reciprocity in study-abroad programs John Metzler V. African perspectives on programs for North American students in Africa : the experience of the University of Zimbabwe Ranga Zinyemba VI. African perspectives on programs for North American students in Africa : the experience of the University of Dar es Salaam Penina Mlama VII. African perspectives on programs for North American students in Africa : the experience of the University of Ghana-Legon Florence Abena Dolphyne VIII. Building a national focus for student exchange with Africa : the national consortium for study in Africa David Wiley John Metzler IX. Study-abroad and cultural exchange programs to Africa : America's image of a continent Mark Pires X. Study abroad and area studies William W. Cressey