Land, law and politics in Africa : mediating conflict and reshaping the state - 396 p. - African dynamics 10 .

"This project was envisaged as a testimony to the inspirational legacy of Professor Gerti Hesseling (1946-2009), the Dutch legal scholar and Africanist"--Introduction. Includes bibliography of the works of Gerti Hesseling.

Preliminary Material / Introduction / Partenariat et interdisciplinarité: / Historical and Cultural Aspects / Aspects Historiques et Culturelles Cultural models of power in Africa / Human rights in the traditional legal system of the Nkoya people of Zambia / 'Sons of the soil': / How can Africa develop? Reflections on theories, concepts and realities / Land Issues and Economics / Problemes Fonciers et L'economie L'économie sociale et solidaire pour stimuler le développement ascendant et endogène / Land conflicts in Senegal revisited: / 'More punitive penalties should be given to urban farmers': / Settling border conflicts in Africa peacefully: / Politics and Constitutional Law / Politique et Droit Constitutionnel Democracy deferred: / La production d'un nouveau constitutionnalisme en Afrique : / Le juge constitutionnel et la construction de l'Etat de droit au Sénégal / Sur les traces du droit vivant dans le labyrinthe du droit foncier et des pratiques locales au Mali / The Challenges of Law and Conflict / Les Défis de Droit Face au Conflits Effectuating normative change in customary legal systems: / Decentralization and the articulation of local and regional politics in Central Chad / Conflict mobility and the search for peace in Africa / Appendix: Bibliography of prof. dr Gerti Hesseling / List of authors / Jan Abbink and Mirjam de Bruijn -- Jan Abbink -- Jean-Pierre Olivier de Sardan and Mahaman Tidjani Alou -- Walter van Beek -- Wim M.J. van Binsbergen -- Peter Geschiere -- Patrick Chabal -- Abdou Salam Fall -- Mayke Kaag , Yaram Gaye and Marieke Kruis -- Romborah R. Simiyu and Dick Foeken -- Piet Konings -- Jan Abbink -- Babacar Kanté -- Fatima Diallo -- Moussa Djiré -- Janine Ubink -- Han van Dijk -- Mirjam de Bruijn and Egosha E. Osaghae -- Jan Abbink and Mirjam de Bruijn -- Jan Abbink and Mirjam de Bruijn.

This volume presents a wide selection of studies on the issues of law, land dispute and conflict (mediation) in Africa, reconsidering the role of state agents and other actors in these matters. The focus is on analyzing how citizens, state institutions and concerned (inter)national actors aim to find solutions to disputes, tension and conflict that are part of social life. The authors have approached the subject of Land, Law and Politics in Africa from a variety of disciplinary angles. The issues at stake comprise land access and land use, state politics and democratization efforts, the relationship between constitutional/state law and customary law, the challenges of urban and rural conflicts, border issues and the conceptions of (human) rights. On the basis of new empirical studies, the authors plead for a more holistic perspective on the above issues and on developmental policy in general. The book has 15 chapters in four thematic parts, focusing on historical and cultural aspects of politics and authority; land law and land disputes; constitutionalism and politics; and conflict studies. The volume is also a tribute to the work of Gerti Hesseling (1946-2009), a Dutch Africanist with a successful career as a scholar of constitutional and land law, focusing on West Africa.

9789004217386 paperback

Land tenure--Africa
Land use, Rural--Government policy--Africa
Customary law--Africa
Economic development--Africa
Conflict management--Africa