Klokke, A. H..

Langs de rivieren van Midden-Kalimantan cultureel erfgoed van de Ngaju en Ot Danum Dayak. Along the rivers of Central Kalimantan cultural heritage of the Ngaju and Ot Danum Dayak - 173 p. ill.

Op expeditie = On expedition -- Kaharingan : geen "vermolmd hout" = Kaharingan : not just "decaying wood" -- Rongan = Rongan -- Kahayan beneden- en middenloop = Lower and middle Kahayan -- Kahayan bovenloop = Upper Kahayan -- Kapuas = Kapuas.

978-90-5450-012-4 paperback

Klokke, A. H.--Travel--Borneo.

Museum Volkenkunde (Leiden, Netherlands)--Ethnological collections.

Dayak (Indonesian people)--Material culture
Dayak (Indonesian people)--Social life and customs
Ngaju (Indonesian people)--Material culture
Ngaju (Indonesian people)--Social life and customs