Smiths' Sea Fishes - 1047p.

Anatomy of fishes -- Biology of fishes -- Dangers of the sea -- The effect of fishing -- Common names -- Scientific nomenclature and classification -- Oceanography of the Southern African region -- Ichthyology in South Africa -- Place names and their localities: map -- Systematic section -- Key to superclasses, classes and subclasses -- Class Pteraspidomorphi -- Class Chondrichthyes (cartilaginous fishes) -- Class Osteichthyes (bony fishes) -- Colour plate section -- Reference section -- Fin formula key to bony fishes -- Number conversion table -- Scientific index -- English common name index -- Afrikaans common name index.

Dr. D. S. Henderson, Chairman of the 1. L. B. Smith Institute of Ichthyology and Vice Chancellor of Rhodes University This book is a unique, international collaborative effort ranging all of the colour plates for the book. For the past of 76 scientists, representing 15 countries. Several skilled eight years, she has been assisted in the research, writing artists and photographers have also contributed to the and editing of the book by Dr. P. C. Heemstra. numerous and beautiful illustrations. Research done in It is essential for the proper management of the marine South Africa was supported by the Council for Scientific fish resources of southern Africa that we know what species and Industrial Research. Work on the book at the J.L.B. we are dealing with. This book will greatly facilitate the Smith Institute was also funded by the Department of identification of our fishes. It will thus be of vital import National Education and The Trustees of the Sea Fishes of ance to the understanding and wise use of our tremendously Southern Africa Book Fund. Expenses of visits by ichthy diverse and valuable fish fauna. ologists from overseas were defrayed by a grant from the We are proud of the affiliation of the J.L.B. Smith Insti John S. Schlesinger Foundation. tute with Rhodes University and happy to see the successful Although this book is an impressive contribution to the completion of this long-awaited work.


Life sciences