Structural anthropology in The Netherlands a reader.
- XII, 399 p.
- Translation series 17 .
Ossenbruggen, F. D. E. van. Java's monca-pat.--Pigeaud, T. G. T. Javanese divination and classification.--Swellengrebel, J. L. Some characteristic features of the Korawasrama story.--Jansen, H. J. Indigenous classification systems in the Ambonese Moluccas.--Downs, R. E. Head-hunting in Indonesia.--Onvlee, L. The construction of the Mangili Dam.--Josselin de Jong, J. P. B. de. The Malay Archipelago as a field of ethnological study.--Wouden, F. A. E. van. Social groups and double descent in Kodi, West Sumba.--Renes, P. B. Circular connubium in the Leti Archipalago.--Josselin de Jong, P. E. de. The participants view of their culture.--Josselin de Jong. J. P. B. de. Lévi-Strauss's theory on kinship and marriage.--Baal, J. van. The cult of the bull-roarer in Australia and Southern New Guinea.--Ouwehand, C. Some notes on the god Susa-no-o.--Zuidema, R. T. The relationship between mountains and coast in ancient Peru.