Letting them Die why HIV/AIDS prevention programmes fail.
- African issues .
Sexuality, participation & social change -- The Summertown project: context & concepts -- 'Going underground & going after women': sexuality & HIV-transmission among mineworkers -- Mobilizing a local community to prevent HIV/AIDS: the Summertown project -- Theoretical framework: conceptualizing community, participation & sexual health -- Mobilizing sex workers to prevent HIV: promoting peer education in an informal setting -- Selling sex in the time of AIDS: sexuality & HIV-transmission among sex workers -- Facilitating community-led peer education: among Summertown sex workers -- Factors shaping the success of sex worker peer education: in an informal setting -- Mobilizing young people to prevent HIV: promoting peer education in a formal school setting -- 'Condoms are good, but I hate those things': Sexuality & HIV-transmission among young people -- Facilitating community-led peer education: among Summertown youth -- Mobilizing stakeholders to prevent HIV: promoting partnerships to co-ordinate HIV-prevention efforts -- Facilitating stakeholder collaboration: in Project Implementation 1 -- Facilitating stakeholder collaboration: in Project Implementation 2 -- Conclusion 'Letting them die': power, participation & political will
South Africa has the worst AIDS epidemic in the world. In this one mining community in South Africa, AIDS will kill six out of ten young women and four out of ten young men. This work highlights the barriers and constraints to controlling this national crisis.
AIDS (Disease)--Prevention--South Africa aids (HIV)--sida (VIH)--aids (HIV) preventie--prévention--prevention Zuid-Afrika--l'Afrique du Sud--South Africa