My second journey through Equatorial Africa, from the Congo to the Zambesi in the years 1886 and 1887 /
von Wissmann, Hermann ; transl. from the German by Minna J. A. Bergmann ; ill. after drawings by R. Hellgrewe a.o.
- XIV, 326 p. 92 ill. map
Portrait of major von Wissmann; Wissmann's three expeditions to Equatorial Africa, 1180-1887; Still life of the Cassai; Effect of the steam-whistle of the "Peace"; Wissmann Pool; Staff-physician Dr. Ludwig Wolf; A race with the "En avant" ...
AA / International- internationaal CG / Congo 08--Biografieën en memoires--Biographies and memoirs--Biographies et mémoires 331.102--Geschiedenis van de kolonisatie--History of colonisation--histoire de la colonisation 967--Geschiedenis van Centraal en Equatoriaal Afrika #SJ/LH/(6)