Williams, Paul.

Memorial museums the global rush to commemorate atrocities. - English ed. - 226 p. ill.

Includes bibliographical references and index.

Very different proposition : introducing the memorial museum -- The surviving object : presence and absence in memorial museums -- Photographic memory : images from calamitous histories -- Rocks and hard places : location and spatiality in memorial museums -- Diplomatic assignment : the political fortunes of memorial museums -- The memorial museum identity complex : victimhood, culpability, and responsibility -- Looming disaster : memorial museums and the shaping of historic consciousness -- Fighting the forgetful future.

1-84520-488-3 hardback 1-84520-489-1 paperback 978-1-84520-488-4 hardback 978-1-84520-489-1 paperback

Historical museums
Museum technique
866 Herdenking en herinnering