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Your search returned 797 results.

NGO support to informal settlements a case study of Kibera, Nairobi. by Series:
Material type: Text Text; Literary form: Not fiction
Publisher: Nairobi UNDP/World Bank/WHO [1991]
Availability: Items available for loan: Library of Ethnosociology & Ethnohistory (1).
Handboek voor de toepassing van de doelgerichte interventieplanning (DIP) op het ABOS. by
Edition: 2e uitg.
Material type: Text Text; Literary form: Not fiction
Publisher: Brussel ABOS (Algemeen Bestuur van Ontwikkelingssamenwerking) 1991
Availability: Items available for loan: Library of General Geology (1).
Ethnologie justification, problèmes, limites. XIIe Rencontres internationales d'Histoire et d'Archéologie d'Antibes, 17-19 octobre 1991 by
Material type: Text Text; Literary form: Not fiction
Publisher: S.l. s.n. 1991
Other title:
  • Prétirage des communications
Availability: Items available for loan: Library of Archaeology & Prehistory (1).
usinage des caoutchoucs secondaires by
Material type: Text Text; Literary form: Not fiction
Language: English Spoken language: Dutch Publisher: Ath Institut Provincial d'enseignemen superieur agricole et technique 1991
Dissertation note: thesis
Availability: Items available for loan: Library of Wood Biology (1).
Geology of the country around Bournemouth - Memoir for 1:50 000 geological sheet 329 (England and Wales) by
Material type: Article Article; Type of continuing resource: periodical
Publisher: London British Geological Survey 1991
Availability: Items available for loan: Library of General Geology (1).
Geologia do Arquipélago da Madeira by
Material type: Article Article; Type of continuing resource: periodical
Publisher: Lisboa Museu Nacional de Historia Natural 1991
Availability: Items available for loan: Library of General Geology (1).
De la fantaise à la réalité dans la littérature haoussa en prose. Suivi de Pourquoi étudier la poésie haoussa ? by Series:
Material type: Article Article; Type of continuing resource: periodical
Publisher: Talence Centre d'étude d'Afrique noire ; Institut d'Etudes Politiques de Bordeaux 1991
Availability: Items available for loan: Library of Contempory History (1).
Art and ambiguity perspectives on the Brenthurst Collection of Southern African art. by
Material type: Text Text; Literary form: Not fiction
Publisher: Johannesburg Johannesburg Art Gallery 1991
Availability: Items available for loan: Library of Ethnography (1).
Signs of the time new art from Africa. by
Material type: Text Text; Literary form: Not fiction
Publisher: Frankfurt am Main Museum für Völkerkunde 1991
Availability: Items available for loan: Library of Ethnography (1).
Zwart Afrika maskers, beelden, sieraden. by
Material type: Text Text; Literary form: Not fiction
Publisher: Paris Atrium 1991
Availability: Items available for loan: Library of Ethnography (1).
The material culture of Zimbabwe. by
Material type: Text Text; Literary form: Not fiction
Publisher: Harare Longman Zimbabwe 1991
Availability: Items available for loan: Library of Ethnography (1).
Life at great Zimbabwe exploring Zimbabwe. by
Material type: Text Text; Literary form: Not fiction
Publisher: Gweru Mambo Press 1991
Availability: Items available for loan: Library of Ethnography (1).
La recherche en sciences humaines au Cameroun - Het onderzoek in de humane wetenschappen in Kameroen
Material type: Text Text; Literary form: Not fiction
Publisher: Bruxelles Association Belge des Africanistes - Académie Royale des Sciences d'Outre-Mer 1991
Availability: Items available for loan: Library of General Geology (1).
Knowledge in the Pursuit of Change
Material type: Text Text; Literary form: Not fiction
Publisher: International Development Research Centre and the Swedish Agency for Research 1991
Availability: Items available for loan: Library of General Geology (1).
Kartkatalog 1991
Material type: Text Text; Literary form: Not fiction
Publisher: Trondheim Norges Geologiske Undersokelse 1991
Availability: Items available for loan: Library of General Geology (1).
Jaarverslagen on Activities - January 1989 - December 1990
Material type: Text Text; Literary form: Not fiction
Publisher: Portsmouth Department of Geology 1991
Availability: Items available for loan: Library of General Geology (1).
Field crop trop.Afr.,Principles & practice by
Material type: Text Text; Literary form: Not fiction
Publisher: Ede:CTA,V,480pp.,c. 1991
Availability: Items available for loan: Library of Agronomy (1).
l'Environnement carbonate bathyal en nouvelle-calédonie (programme envimarges) - the bathyal carbonate environment off new caledonia (envimarges program). by Series:
Material type: Text Text; Literary form: Not fiction
Publisher: Paris Institut Géologique Albert-de-Lapparent 1991
Availability: Items available for loan: Library of General Geology (1).
La revue musicale.
Material type: Continuing resource Continuing resource; Type of continuing resource: periodical
Publisher: 1920-1991Publisher: Paris Richard-Masse.
Availability: Items available for loan: Library of Etnomusicology (2).
Palaeoecology and hominid activities a human ecology perspective : master's thesis in Human Ecology by
Material type: Text Text; Literary form: Not fiction
Publisher: Brussel Vrije Universiteit Brussel - Department of Human Ecology 1991
Availability: No items available.