World checklist and bibliography of Euphorbiaceae (with Pandaceae).
World checklist and bibliography of Euphorbiaceae (with Pandaceae).
- 4 v. ill.
1. Euphorbiaceae: Aalius - Crossophora 2. Euphorbiaceae: Croton - Excoecariopsis 3. Euphorbiaceae: Fahrenheitia - Oxydectes 4. Euphorbiaceae: Pachystemon - Zygospermum. Pandaceae: doubtful and excluded names and taxa
1-900347-83-0 1-900347-84-9 1-900347-85-7 1-900347-86-5
1. Euphorbiaceae: Aalius - Crossophora 2. Euphorbiaceae: Croton - Excoecariopsis 3. Euphorbiaceae: Fahrenheitia - Oxydectes 4. Euphorbiaceae: Pachystemon - Zygospermum. Pandaceae: doubtful and excluded names and taxa
1-900347-83-0 1-900347-84-9 1-900347-85-7 1-900347-86-5