Les eaux d'alimentation au Congo Livre de l'eau


Les eaux d'alimentation au Congo Livre de l'eau - 11 - 54 - Reviews in Mineralogy and Geochemistry .

An overview of biomineralization processes and the problem of the vital effect / Steve Weiner and Patricia M. Dove -- Principles of molecular biology and biomacromolecular chemistry / John S. Evans -- Principles of crystal nucleation and growth / James J. De Yoreo and Peter G. Vekilov -- Biologically induced mineralization by bacteria / Richard B. Frankel and Dennis A. Bazylinski -- The source of ions for biomineralization in foraminifera and their implications for paleoceanographic proxies / Jonathan Erez -- Geochemical perspectives on coral mineralization / Anne L. Cohen and Ted A. McConnaughey -- Biomineralization within vesicles : the calcite of coccoliths / Jeremy R. Young and Karen Henriksen -- Biologically controlled mineralization in prokaryotes / Dennis A. Bazylinski and Richard B. Frankel -- Mineralization in organic matrix frameworks / Arthur Veis -- Silicification : the process by which organisms capture and mineralize silica / Carole C. Perry -- Biomineralization and evolutionary history / Andrew H. Knoll -- Biomineralization and global biogeochemical cycles / Phillipe Van Cappellen.

