Kimberlites and related rocks 4IKC. Proceedings of the Fourth International Kimberlite Conference, Perth, 1986.

Kimberlites and related rocks 4IKC. Proceedings of the Fourth International Kimberlite Conference, Perth, 1986. 4IKC Proceedings of the Fourth International Kimberlite Conference, Perth, 1986 - 2 v. ill. - GSA : special publication 14 .

Addendum slip inserted.

Includes bibliographies and index.

1. Their composition, occurrence, origin, and emplacement XIII, 646 p. 2. Their mantle/crust setting, diamonds, and diamond exploration

11.08.1986 - 15.08.1986

0867933844 0867930330 v. 1 0867930411 v. 2


--Conferences - Meetings