Art and cartography six historical essays.

Art and cartography six historical essays. - XVI, 249 p.: ill. - The Kenneth Nebenzahl, Jr., lectures in the history of cartography .

Essays from the 6th series of Kenneth Nebenzahl, Jr. Lectures in the history of cartography at the Newberry library, 30 October - 1 November 1980

From mental matrix to mappamundi to Christian empire : the heritage of Ptolemaic cartography in the renaissance Edgerton, Samuel Y. (Jr.) p. 10-50 Color in cartography : a historical survey Ehrensvärd, Ulla p. 123-146 The sources and development of cartographic ornamentation in the Netherlands Welu, James A. p. 147-173 The manuscript, engraved, and typographic traditions of map lettering Woodward, David p. 174-212 The mapping impulse in Dutch art Alpers, Svetlana p. 51-96 Maps as metaphors : mural map cycles of the Italian renaissance Schulz, Juergen p. 97-122

0-226-90722-8 hardback

655.3.026--Drukken van specifiek drukwerk. Drukken van kranten, postzegels, kaarten, commercieel drukwerk
76.02--Technieken van de grafische kunsten
912 <09>--Cartografie. Kaarten. Plattegronden. Atlassen--Geschiedenis van