Your search returned 25 results.

Le Congo-Zaïre au gré du XXe siècle Etat, économie, société 1880-1990. by
Material type: Text Text; Format: print
Language: French Publisher: Paris L'Harmattan 1997
Availability: Items available for loan: Central Library (1).
L'Afrique Centrale. (deuxième édition entièrement revue et corrigée) by
Edition: 2de editie
Material type: Text Text; Format: print
Language: French Publisher: Paris Centre des hautes études sur l'Afrique et l'Asie modernes 1993
Availability: Items available for loan: Central Library (1).
Economische ontwikkeling en sociale structuur in Belgisch-Kongo. by Series:
Material type: Text Text; Literary form: Not fiction
Publisher: Leuven KUL 1959
Availability: Items available for loan: Library of Colonial History (1).
Buying futures : the upsurge of female entrepreneurship crossing the formal and informal divide in Southwest Cameroon / Niger-Thomas Agbaw, Margaret. by Series:
Material type: Text Text; Literary form: Not fiction
Publisher: Leiden Research school CNWS 2000
Dissertation note: Diss. Doct.
Availability: Items available for loan: Library of Ethnosociology & Ethnohistory (1).
The bottom billion why the poorest countries are failing and what can be done about it. by
Material type: Text Text; Literary form: Not fiction
Publisher: New York Oxford university press 2007
Availability: Items available for loan: Library of Contempory History (1).
Annales histoire, sciences sociales by
Material type: Continuing resource Continuing resource; Type of continuing resource: periodical
Publisher: 1929-Publisher: Paris Armand-ColinPublisher: Paris Ecole des hautes études en sciences sociales
Availability: Items available for loan: Central Library (44).
Théorie économique et pays sous-développés / Myrdal, Gunnar ; trad. de l'anglais par J. Chazelle. by Series:
Material type: Text Text; Literary form: Not fiction
Publisher: Paris Présence africaine 1959
Availability: Items available for loan: Library of Ethnosociology & Ethnohistory (1).
Mélanges Series:
Material type: Text Text; Literary form: Not fiction
Publisher: Kinshasa Facultés Catholiques de Kinshasa 1996
Availability: Items available for loan: Central Library (1).
La télédétection, facteur de développement outre-mer. by
Material type: Text Text; Literary form: Not fiction
Publisher: Bruxelles Académie royale des sciences d'outre-mer 1986
Other title:
  • De teledetectie, factor van overzeese ontwikkeling
Availability: Items available for loan: Niet toegekend (1).
Le développement économique du Katanga by
Edition: 2e éd. ref. et augm.
Material type: Text Text; Literary form: Not fiction
Publisher: Bruxelles Société belge de librairie 1911
Availability: Items available for loan: Library of Colonial History (1).
The white man's burden why the West's efforts to aid the rest have done so much ill and so little good. by
Material type: Text Text; Literary form: Not fiction
Publisher: New York Penguin 2006
Availability: Items available for loan: Library of Contempory History (1).
Kongo, onze kolonie. Ontdekking, verovering, groei. by
Material type: Text Text; Literary form: Not fiction
Publisher: Antwerpen Standaard-boekhandel 1946
Availability: Items available for loan: Library of Colonial History (1).
Economische ontwikkeling en sociale structuur in Belgisch-Kongo. by Series:
Material type: Text Text; Literary form: Not fiction
Publisher: Leuven Ceuterick 1959
Availability: Items available for loan: Library of Colonial History (1).
Africa's silk road China and India's new economic frontier. by
Material type: Text Text; Literary form: Not fiction
Publisher: Washington World Bank 2007
Availability: Items available for loan: Library of Ethnosociology & Ethnohistory (1).
Belges! Connaissons notre Congo by
Material type: Text Text; Literary form: Not fiction
Publisher: [lieu de publication inconnu] [éditeur inconnu] 1918
Availability: Items available for loan: Central Library (1). Library of Colonial History (1). Niet toegekend (1).
Transition in the Democratic Republic of the Congo : opportunities and pitfalls. by
Material type: Text Text; Literary form: Not fiction
Publisher: Washington US agency for international development 1997
Availability: Items available for loan: Central Library (1).
Development and the African diaspora place and the politics of home. by
Material type: Text Text; Literary form: Not fiction
Publisher: London Zed Books 2008
Availability: Items available for loan: Library of Contempory History (1).
Trente années de culture cotonnière au Congo Belge 1918-1948. by
Material type: Text Text; Literary form: Not fiction
Publisher: Bruxelles Wellens et Godenne 1948
Availability: Items available for loan: Library of Agronomy (1). Library of Colonial History (2).